What can I solve for you?
I bring the skill sets I’ve attained in more than three decades as an attorney—nearly 10 of those as an in-house school district general counsel and chief labor negotiator—to help solve an array of legal and operational problems my clients encounter. These range from complex, big-picture issues to smaller, day-to-day matters that arise in governance, school board and leadership concerns, collective bargaining, personnel, litigation, operations, and other areas.
What's it like to work with me?
I fully understand the nuances, uniqueness and dynamics of education agencies, their governing bodies, and their operations. I focus on clients' goals and draw on my experience and creativity to facilitate solutions to complex legal and operational issues, and to negotiate provisions in collective bargaining agreements that help schools and education agencies do their jobs and improve learning. In handling impact litigation, I distill complicated concepts into clear, compelling language, which helps my clients prevail, shapes the law, and ultimately enhances students’ ability to learn.